Andy Johnson – "The Redneck Preacher" shares what goes on in that mind of his………..

Creation’s Cantor

Whether we admit it or not, we all have questions about the debate on Creation vs. Evolution. Some well-meaning, respected Christians have alleged that Biblical descriptions of Creation are intertwined with scientific research breakthroughs about the Big Bang, the evolving of humanity, and the various findings in the area of paleontology. While I disagree with many fellow Christians on this matter, I have no business questioning their personal relationship with the Lord.

I specify “Christians” because I met a man a few years ago who was both pro-evolution and a Christian. He held to the secular scientific findings about the processes of Creation, but, in his own words, he said, “I believe that God caused it to be.” It was an interesting conversation, but it was a sad one. Primarily because I hold to the fundamental truths of the Word of God as being the absolute authority concerning a Biblical 7-day Creation period – exactly how it states it in the Bible.

And, to be brutally honest, I’ve always had questions about the actual process. Subliminally, I guess that you’ve had questions as well. Don’t misunderstand me: I do, and always have believed that God created everything just as His Word states. But when it comes to explaining it, I fall short. Until recently.

So I want to pose to you a Q & A with some common questions that we’ve all had about Creation, and give you a Biblical explanation for them all. Sound interesting? You bet.

Question #1: Did God really create everything in six literal 24 hour days and rest on the seventh? Or were they really just epochs, millenniums, or long expanses of millions of years that were just called “days”?

Answer: Yes, God really did create the world as we know it in six literal 24-hour time periods called days, and rested on the seventh. They were not epochs, millenniums, or millions of billions of years. And there is Biblical evidence to support this.

First of all, you have to look at these things from the perspective of a God of order – which Jehovah God is. He will never do anything without a purpose. He is calculative, methodical, and thoughtful. He creates things for a reason, and he created everything in a particular order for a reason.

With that in mind, look at the last day of the entire Creation process. Genesis 2:2-3 says this: ‘And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.” I emphasize the word “sanctified” because it means that this day is set apart from the rest for a specific purpose.

Fast forward to Exodus 20:8, 10a-11: “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy……But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God……For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.”

Here’s the deal: God hallowed and sanctified the sabbath day for us to remember and honor Him as the Creator. If the evolutionist theory of epochs, millenniums, or millions of billions of years per “day” is true, then you would never make it to a sabbath day. And that is contrary to the stated purpose of God instituting the sabbath day to start with. So, I believe in a literal six, 24 hour per day Creation.

Question #2: What about dinosaurs? Are we to believe that dinosaurs were a hoax?

Answer: Absolutely not. Dinosaurs are a scientific fact, and were very real around the time of Creation. The word “Dinosaur” (which was first introduced into the English lexicon in 1841 by Sir Richard Owen) actually means “Terrible Lizard”. The Greek “deinos” means “terrible”, and the Greek “sauros” means “lizard”.  Furthermore, the Bible speaks about dinosaurs.

Job chapters 40 and 41 speak of two creatures named “Behemoth” and “Leviathan”. Behemoth is spoken of in chapter 40 as a creature that has a tail like a cedar tree, and plays on the mountains. Many will assume that this is an elephant seeing as how the chapter describes him taking water through his nose, but how many elephants have you seen with a tail as big as a cedar tree???

Leviathan is spoken of in chapter 41 as a creature with scales like pieces of iron, fire coming from his mouth, and smoke from his nostrils. Again, there are some that assume this is an alligator or a crocodile, but how many gators or crocs do you know that breath fire?

But that’s just their existence. We already knew they exist. Here’s the real scoop: Reptiles are the only species of animals that continue to grow as long as they are alive – evidenced by the Komodo Dragon. If the Komodo Dragon lived for 800 years, it would be pretty big too.

The Biblical position is that there were two of ALL species of animals that got onto the ark when God was preparing to flood the earth. And those species’ included “dinosaurs”. All of the rest died in the flood.

Question #3: Then how can scientists date dinosaur fossils back to millions of billions of years old through the carbon-14 dating process?

Now, I have to admit to you that I’m not a scientist. But the good news is that it doesn’t take a scientist to figure this one out. All it takes is a little practical, common sense.

In my days before ministry, I worked at a water treatment plant. I learned quite a bit about how water affects different things. For instance, the water towers that you see scattered throughout the country-side are there to provide a gravitational pressure on the system of water pipes throughout the community. This is because every vertical 2.31 feet of water creates 1 pound of pressure (per square inch). So, for example, to maintain 70 psi in a piping system, the water tower would have to be roughly 160 feet high.

Without being too hypothetical, let’s assume that during the time of the flood there was exactly 1 mile (5,280 feet) of water over the land. That would put 2,285.7 psi on the land – thus vastly increasing, amplifying, and accelerating the process of fossilization.

Question #4: What about Neanderthal man, Nebraskan man, Peking man, or Java man? Are they a hoax?

Neanderthal Man

Nebraskan Man

Peking Man












Java Man

In a word, YES! Not a single one of these “findings” have been conclusive. And, to add insult to injury, many of the “scientists” that have made these discoveries proved to be lying about the age of their findings.

Why is there such a debate between Creation vs. Evolution today? Well, simply put, if there is no Creator, there is nothing to be accountable to. And if there is nothing to be accountable to, then humanity is an accident that just occurred at some point in time. And if that is so, then there should be no moral compass, no virtue, and no decency to humanity – anything goes. And, in a sinner’s heart, this is the exact desire.

So there are those who hold to the theory of Evolution for the purpose of being able to do what they want, when they want, how they want, and because they want – and there are those who hold to Biblical Creation with an Intelligent God giving purpose and meaning to life, but holding those accountable for their actions and behavior.

If Evolution is true, suicide makes sense. Life has no meaning. No purpose. Just do as you please.

But if Creation is true (and it is), then God creates and sustains all things for His own purposes, and one day you will have to answer to Him.

The choice is yours.

One response

  1. Greg Millwee

    Another thing that I find to be interesting is that the human forehead never stops growing. As long as you are alive, your forehead will grow. Now back in biblical times the life expectency was a lot longer. So if you live say 500 years, you would look like one of these so called cave people. The scientist say that because they had big heads that they were inferrior in intelligence, but when you think about it, that is like saying someone is extremely smart because they have a big nose, which also never stops growing. Good stuff

    10/27/2010 at 1:07 pm

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